Eyes; what do they say? | Poetry by Kavya Gupta

I see, I watch, I look, I roll,

I give comfort ; to my soul,

I blink, I wink,

I’m disappointed , I sink.

I may be shy , I may be expressive,

I may be anxious , I may be aggressive.

I cry and tear,

I water and wear,

I scream , I glare

To the world I stare

But nobody here; seems to care.

A twinkling me , gives a pleasant feel,

But look into me; are you real or reel?

29 thoughts on “Eyes; what do they say? | Poetry by Kavya Gupta

  1. Thanks for following my poetry page, Kavya. I teach literature and writing at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia, and I enjoy your free “I don’t think what I write” style. I also like your “by a kid/for kids” approach. If you ever want some free poetry advice, of which I have an inexhaustible supply, drop me a comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Creative Writing Course: How to Write Creatively and commented:
    Hi Kavya

    Thanks for another follow(s) …and/or like(s)

    I just realised my days are determined and lead down paths from the feedback by my readers and followers around the world, like you. So thanks for the input.

    All your comments and feedback encourage (greatly), uplift and even inspire me to follow “this road less travelled”.

    I love my days “interacting with you’ guys and gals”


    “the world’s fourth worst writer”




    * and definitely NOT a police constable)


    “Driven to uplift, encourage and (perhaps even) inspire”


    …”of chaos” (in the “real world”, so says “the nurse”)


    Together, one mind, one life (one small step at a time), let’s see how many people (and lives) we can encourage, impact, empower, enrich, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials and strive for and perhaps one sunny day even achieve their wildest dreams


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